
How To Set Up Iphone Conference Call

While the briefing calling feature on iPhone is useful in business or piece of work related situations, it can also be used to make group calls with family members and friends. You can find below the steps to Make a Conference Call on iPhone.

Set Up Conference Call on iPhone

Make Conference Phone call on iPhone

In add-on to office piece of work or concern related situations, the conference calling characteristic on iPhone can be used to collaborate with family members and friends.

Making personal conference calls allows you to both save fourth dimension (compared to calling individually) and allows you to enjoy the feeling of being with your close friends and relatives at the same time.

Some other skillful reason for making personal briefing calls would exist to go the do required to hold piece of work or business related conference calls on iPhone, without making mistakes.

1. Steps to Prepare Up A Briefing Telephone call On iPhone

Depending on the Carrier and Phone Programme, you should be able to hold a conference call with 2 to 5 people at a time on your iPhone.

In general, the steps to brand a Briefing Call on iPhone are as follows:-

1. Call the Starting time Person that yous desire to include in a Conference Cal and let this person know that you lot are going to add other Callers.

2. Once the first person is on line, tap on the Add Call option and and so Call the Next person using your Contact listing or by manually inbound the phone number on this person.

iPhone Add Call Button

Note: When you punch the 2nd number, the first call volition be placed on concord. If yous do not see the in-phone call carte, tap the Hide Keypad push button to bring up the in-telephone call bill of fare screen.

3. When the 2nd person answers your call, tap on Merge Calls button.

iPhone Merge Calls Button

Note: You will run into Names of the two callers listed at the top, if they are listed in your Contacts List.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add together more people to the Briefing phone call. After you merge each telephone call, the Add Telephone call button will re-announced, assuasive you to add together more people.

If your Phone Service provider uses GSM Network, you will be able to Add up to 5 people. If the Service provider is using CDMA network, you will just be able to Add 2 people.

Remember: You tin can also tap on the Contacts button to call and merge recipients to a Briefing call on iPhone.

two. How to Remove or Drop Callers During a Conference Call

Many times attendees or participants in a conference phone call do not have the time to stay upward to the end of conference call or yous may not want certain participants to stay till the terminate.

In such cases, you can follow the steps below to drib any participant from a briefing call, without ending the ongoing briefing phone call.

1. Tap the 'i' icon located adjacent to the Contact's Proper name that yous want to drop from a briefing telephone call.


2. On the next screen, tap on the Stop button, located below the Name of the Contact that y'all desire to remove from your ongoing Conference Phone call.

End Conference Call Button

three. How to Speak Privately with a Participant During Conference Call

iPhone provides the option to speak privately with a specific individual during a conference call.

1. Tap on the 'i' icon located next to the Contact that you want to speak privately with.

iPhone Contact Information Tab

2. On the next screen, tap on Private button located adjacent to the Contacts proper noun.

iPhone End Private Call Button

3. Speak with the person in private and tap on Merge Calls to return back to conference call.

4. Foreclose Other Calls During A Briefing Call

iPhone also provides the choice to prevent other Callers from interrupting your briefing phone call by calling your number while you are nevertheless engaged in Conference Telephone call.

1. Open the Control Center on your iPhone and tap on the Moon icon in Control Eye.

iPhone Do Not Disturb Moon icon

2. Next, go to Settings > Focus > Do Not Disturb > People > Calls From.

Allow Calls From Option on iPhone

iii. On the side by side screen, select No One and this will cake all incoming calls on your device.

iPhone Allow Calls From Settings

Annotation: This will silence all incoming calls and alerts. Yous can choose favorites, in case you have a situation that requires you to be able to receive certain important calls.

5. Take Incoming Calls During Your Briefing Call

Instead of shutting down all calls at in one case, you may find it amend to have incoming calls during the Conference phone call, so that you to take a look at who is Calling and ship the voicemail to them..

ane. When you receive a Call during a conference, tap on Hold & Accept button.

iPhone Calls Hold and Accept Button

Note: The "Agree & Take" button may not piece of work in instance your service provider is not using a CDMA network.

2. On the side by side screen, tap on the Merge selection and you will be added to Conference Call.

Important: Never tap on End & Have button during a conference, tapping on this will terminate your briefing call.

6. Mute Yourself During a Conference Call

All that is required to mute yourself during a Briefing Call is to tap on the Mute push, which should be available on the screen of your iPhone during a Conference Call.

iPhone Mute Call Button

At any time, you lot tin resume the Group Call feature on your device by tapping on the Mute push.

  • How to Save Telephone Number on iPhone During A Call
  • How to Block Anonymous Private Number Calls on iPhone


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