How to Set Up Internet at Your New Home

At a glance

A big step toward feeling settled in your new place is using all your erstwhile devices on Wi-Fi once more. But offset you demand to prepare your internet connection. Fortunately, it'southward never been easier to become a home Wi-Fi network upwards and running. There are 4 main steps to getting your new home online:

  1. Detect an internet service provider (ISP)
  2. Install your equipment
  3. Set your wireless network
  4. Connect your devices

These steps are pretty straightforward, but each one has its potential pitfalls. Let'south take a closer look to make sure you lot bank check all the boxes.

Find internet prices for your new home

4 steps to gear up upward your new internet connection

1. Discover an internet access provider

The most of import factors in choosing your internet provider are the post-obit:

  • Availability
  • Speed
  • Reliability
  • Cost
  • Customer service

Availability can narrow down your choices pretty fast. Our guide to finding cyberspace for your new habitation can help you lot quickly get the best options available near you lot. While some cities have a wide selection of ISPs to cull from, smaller towns and rural areas may accept only ane or 2 providers.

There are always other options like satellite internet, which tin can be used anywhere in the US. Using a cell phone every bit a mobile hotspot is too an alternative choice, although nosotros wouldn't recommend it for most people. Phone plans take much lower data caps and slower speeds than nigh traditional cyberspace plans. For instance, if you like bingeing Netflix after work, a hotspot programme is non the plan for you.

Speed is the factor that most people think of when choosing an internet plan, though information technology's a good idea to consider how much speed yous actually need rather than going for the fastest, most expensive program.

Reliability is often only equally of import as speed. Certain types of connections, like fiber, are inherently more reliable than others. Cable and DSL often deliver slower speeds than advertised in certain situations, while satellite internet can be disrupted by the conditions.

Cost seems pretty straightforward, only there are a lot of things that can be overlooked. Brand sure to consider upfront costs like installation and equipment fees, which can be a large deal during an expensive move. Also, be wary of plans with hidden fees and price hikes. We like internet plans with unproblematic, transparent pricing.

Finally, consider client service. When in that location's a problem, you lot desire it resolved fast. This is especially important with less reliable types of connections. If you're considering DSL, for example, make certain that the ISP offering the plan is known for fixing issues chop-chop and not letting their network fall into busted.1

The best internet service providers

If y'all're looking for a new net service provider—peradventure because you're moving—so check out our favorite ISPs.

two. Install your equipment

Once you've signed up for an internet plan, you need to install the equipment necessary to go your firm connected to your provider's network. In that location are two means to exercise this. You can either pay for a professional technician to install your equipment, or you tin install it yourself. In that location are good arguments for both choices, so let's take a look at them.

Earlier we get started, it's important to note that if connecting your dwelling to the internet requires burying new cable or connecting to utility poles, yous're going to need a professional installation. Additionally some ISPs require professional person installation for some of their top-tier plans to make certain the equipment is installed properly. Exist sure to check if cocky-installation is an option earlier you get started.

Professional installation

Professional installation is definitely the easier of the two solutions. This tin can be especially helpful if you're eager to get unpacked or dealing with other important issues with your new domicile.

The downside is that professional installation tin can be expensive, especially if your house isn't already wired for internet, as is the instance in many older homes. This does, however, requite you the advantage of deciding where the connection enters your home. This ways that you can take your modem and router in your office, as opposed to a bedroom or basement.

Professional installation ordinarily takes a few hours, especially if the technicians are wiring your business firm for the first fourth dimension. The process is generally pretty smooth, merely there are a few things you can do to speed it up:

  • Make sure that your computers, laptops, and smart TVs are unpacked and ready to be connected to your network.
  • Don't place boxes or furniture in front of outlets.
  • If you have devices on large desks or entertainment centers, brand certain they're pulled out 3–v feet away from the wall.
  • Keep your pets secured in areas abroad from where the technicians are working. This can include backyards if the technicians are installing new cables.
  • Make sure that y'all or another developed can be present in the habitation throughout the installation.

It's as well a skilful thought to programme extra time around the installation in case the technicians encounter whatsoever bug or prove upwards late. Net installation is not something you lot desire to squeeze into a specially busy day.


Self-installation can seem daunting, especially for those without a technical background, but it'south usually pretty straightforward. It can also salvage yous a lot of coin, which can be a large relief afterward dealing with moving costs.

In that location are a few steps to self-installation:

  1. Order your self-installation kit.
  2. Set up your modem and plug it in to your internet connection.
  3. Connect your power cable.

Your self-installation kit typically includes your modem and router (often i device, also known as a "wireless gateway"), a ability cablevision, an Ethernet cable, and a cablevision to connect to the outlet (the blazon of cable depends on the type of connexion you lot have). Make sure that your kit has all the necessary parts before starting installation.

Most ISPs requite y'all a single device to serve equally both modem and router, but if you accept a separate router, connect it to your modem with an Ethernet cablevision.

Afterwards you plug it in, the online connectedness lights should turn on one past i. This ordinarily takes less than a minute with well-nigh devices, though in some cases it can have up to twenty minutes.

Once the lights end flashing, congratulations! Your home at present has an internet connexion. At present you simply have to make it usable.

3. Ready up your wireless network

Most devices in your dwelling house, from your laptop to your smart Tv to your thermostat, connect to your dwelling house network wirelessly. Many of these devices don't even have the connection to plug in a physical cable, so setting up a wireless network has get an essential stride in getting your devices running.

Setting up your network can be divided into 2 parts: connecting to your router and setting upwards your network security.

Connecting to your router

Many modern routers take apps that allow you lot to control them from your phone. If your router doesn't have an app, you tin notwithstanding set information technology up the old-fashioned way. All you need is a normal web browser and your router's IP address. Frequently, it'south provided in your user manual or printed on a sticker stuck to the router itself. If not, you tin can ever find it yourself.

Connecting your router on a Windows car:

  1. Open up the Control Prompt and type in IPCONFIG.
  2. The address you're looking for will be listed as the "default gateway" and will consist of four numbers separated by periods.

Connecting your router on a Mac:

  1. Open your network settings.
  2. Select the "TCP/IP" tab
  3. The IP address volition be listed under "router."

Once you have the IP address of your router, plug a device directly into your router using an Ethernet cable, and so type that number into your browser to get to your router'due south security settings.

Ready up your network security

Earlier you log in to your router, yous volition need your username and password. If you brought your router with yous from your one-time domicile, this will be the same username and countersign y'all fix previously. If this is a new router, the default username and countersign volition either exist printed on the router (often on a sticker on the bottom of the box) or in the user manual.

Once you accept the necessary data, setting upwards your network security is easy:

  1. Log in using your username and password.
  2. Alter your network name (SSID).
  3. Set your security protocol to WPA2.
  4. Set your new password.

Although yous can simply apply the defaults, nosotros highly recommend changing both, as it makes your home network much more secure.

Your network name, often called its SSID, is what you and other people will see when searching for Wi-Fi networks in your area. Prepare it to something that y'all will instantly recognize when it pops upwardly in the list.

WPA2 is the strongest blazon of security used on Wi-Fi networks, and it's sometimes labeled WPA2-PSK or AES. When setting your password, make sure that information technology'south strong and memorable. It's besides a good thought to make it a password that you don't listen giving out to guests that might desire to apply your Wi-Fi, so don't brand information technology a password you've used elsewhere.

4. Connect your devices

If you've made it this far, y'all're in the home stretch! Your wireless network is up and running, and it's time to start connecting your devices.

Before yous get started, take hold of a phone or laptop to test your connexion. Your wireless network should appear with the name yous set and y'all should be able to log on with your new countersign. If everything's working, it'south fourth dimension to connect your other devices.

Recollect that all the devices that were continued to your Wi-Fi in your onetime home will need their network information updated to connect. This includes not only computers and laptops but besides any smart devices you might own.

Peter Christiansen

Written by

Peter Christiansen

Peter Christiansen has been working in tech for over 15 years, working as a computer programmer, game developer, filmmaker, and writer. His writing has been praised by outlets like Wired, Digital Humanities Now, and the New Statesman. He is currently finishing his PhD at the University of Utah.