
How To Set Up Pedal Board

How to adjust guitar pedals – Effects Pedal Order


  • How to suit guitar pedals – Effects Pedal Order
    • 1. Utility Pedals
      • Utility Effects Pedal Lodge
      • Buffer Pedals – Where do I put a Buffer Pedal in the indicate chain
    • 2. Volume, Wah, and Other Filter Outcome Pedals
      • Effects Pedal Society for section 2
      • 1. Volume Pedals
      • two.Wah Pedals
        • Placing Wah Before Distortion
        • Placing Wah After Distortion
      • 3. Compressors
      • iv. EQ
        • Where do I place an EQ in the bespeak chain
    • 3. Effects Pedal Order – Pitch Shifting / Synthesizer Pedals
      • Effects Pedal Social club for section 3
    • 4. Overdrive / Baloney Pedals
      • Furnishings Pedal Social club for section iv
      • Where do I put a boost pedal in the signal concatenation?
        • Placing Boost Before Overdrive
        • Placing Boost After Overdrive
      • Fuzz Pedals
      • what pedals get in the effects loop?
    • v.  Modulation Pedals
      • Effects Pedal Society for department 5
      • What Is Low-Frequency Oscillation
    • 6. Time-Based Pedals
      • Effects Pedal Social club for department 6
        • Which Should Come up Get-go Reverb or Delay
    • Where do noise gates become in the signal chain?
    • Where do loop pedals go in the point chain?
    • Conclusion
      • Best Guitar Effects Pedals for Beginners
      • Should I purchase guitar effects fifty-fifty If I'm a beginner?
      • EQ pedals: What does an blaster pedal do?
      • Is information technology bad to leave effect pedals plugged in all the fourth dimension?
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Effects pedal gild can be a pretty confusing subject at get-go. Fortunately, there is a method to the madness when it comes to arranging your pedals. Information technology'south best to imagine each upshot as blocks. As you add a pedal you are adding a new block to your tower of audio. And how you add the cake determines the structure of your tone.

Recollect about your pedal yous are calculation to the indicate chain, what does information technology do, what are its characteristics, what function of the tone previous to this pedal do you want to emphasize? Do y'all want to bring out the highs, squash the mids?

When calculation the pedal does it make logical sense to put that effect above or beneath your existing blocks?

Allow's become through the main types of effects and see where they should go. Keep in mind, I'm telling y'all the recommended style to arrange guitar pedals. Some of this advice is based on logic and recommended best practices, simply by no means are any of these rules written in stone.

Only because when information technology comes to effects pedals, in that location are no rules. You can get a wide variety of sounds by toying effectually with the placement of your pedals and placing them in unorthodox locations.  Most if non all musicians do this, and can sometimes produce some rather interesting results.

It'south not uncommon to have those Bob Ross moments when yous detect that sound that came about as a 'happy little accident' when setting up your board.

I'm going to suspension postal service up by"logical effects pedal order" each section will be listed past gild of advent in the betoken concatenation.

  1. Utility Pedals
  2. Volume / Wah
  3. Overdrive / Distortion/ proceeds
  4. Modulation
  5. Time-Based Effects

ane. Utility Pedals

effects pedal order - utility pedals
Utility Effects Pedal Order

  1. Wireless Receivers
  2. A/B Switches
  3. True Bypass Loopers
  4. Buffer Pedal
  5. Tuner

What are Utility Pedals

Utility pedals are devices that don't really have whatever kind of real bear upon the audio but are notwithstanding important to have on the pedalboard shut to your feet or at to the lowest degree at the front end of the signal path.


The tuner (in my opinion) is probably the nearly important pedal on your board and should be in the offset cake of the signal chain. The reason you want your tuner commencement is yous want your raw un-altered guitar signal entering the tuner for the nearly authentic tuning.

If you need a tuner(and if yous don't accept 1,  then yes y'all do)  The pedal i would HIGHLY recommend is the Boss TU-3 Tuner (on Amazon).  I have used that pedal for years and have never had any problems with information technology.  The TU-iii is a buffered pedal which is a 2 for 1(depending on who you ask) which eliminates the demand for a dedicated buffer pedal.  Yet, some people are not crazy about Boss'southward buffering excursion, just I'yard no pro, I do weekend gigs it is perfect for me.  If you are one of those tone purists and need a true featherbed tuner, and then check out the TC Electronic Polytune 2

Trying to tune from a distorted or modulated signal would be next to incommunicable to get a solid reading, resulting in a horribly out of tune guitar. Tuners also commonly accept a mute part when the pedal is engaged.

This means y'all can silence your entire rig all at in one case which tin can exist extremely useful in a alive situation. Having that mute helps immediately stop any unwanted feedback or noise while you're doing your crowd work.

2. Book, Wah, and Other Filter Effect Pedals

guitar pedal order diagram - Dynamics

Effects Pedal Club for section 2

  1. Volume Pedals
  2. Wah / machine wah pedals
  3. Compressor
  4. Blaster
  5. Envelope Filters

one. Volume Pedals

Placing Volume Pedals In The Signal Concatenation

Volume pedals work just like your guitars book controller except controlled by your foot.  And so placing them first this cake of the bespeak chain before all the balance your furnishings volition produce natural book swells.  Depending on your desired effect yous tin can likewise identify a volume pedal is at the end of the signal chain. Doing so will cause the volume pedal to act more than like a master volume. This is really useful if you don't want to interfere with your furnishings drive level or you just want to be sure that the signal from all effects is cut off.

Volume Pedal in the furnishings loop

Volume pedals tin can besides exist placed in your amplifiers effects loop.

A Thing to go on in heed almost Book Pedals

When placing the volume pedal after buffered effects pedals, or in an effects loop, you will want to use either an active volume pedal or a low impedance volume pedal, unremarkably around 25K Ohm. Connecting a high Z passive volume pedal such as one in the 250K – 500K Ohm range will not piece of work that well. The impedance mismatch will crusade an uneven response.

For more information on Volume Pedals check out Mission Engineering

2.Wah Pedals

Wah pedals and auto wah pedals are a sweepable frequency boost and these piece of work amend before all your other furnishings as well. A wah pedal tin can sound completely different when placed before or after distortion.

Placing Wah Before Distortion

Placing the wah pedal before baloney is a little more consistent and refined since y'all're applying distortion on top of a moving EQ keeping everything consequent.

Placing Wah Afterward Distortion

Wah after distortion is a lot more pronounced and untamed, you're taking this narrow frequency band, boosting it, and then distorting that band. Doing this can produce some pretty unpredictable and sometimes difficult to mind to results.

This is also personal preference but based on the style the effects behave with each other, wah beingness at the beginning of the signal concatenation seems to make more than sense.

three. Compressors


This greyness expanse calls for a footling experimentation. In that location are some recommended ways of doing it, and I'll allow you know what they are, only simply know there's no "correct style" of routing your signal. If information technology sounds good to you routing it another way, run with it.

Only with that said, the recommended place to put a compressor pedal is before effects similar overdrives, proceeds-type/dynamic effects. The reason this is recommended is that you provide a strong unified indicate to your overdrives and distortions. Placing your compressor subsequently these pedals tin can create more racket, as the result of the distorted signal is essentially magnified.

However, in that location are some guitarists who place the compressor at the final of the concatenation. They do this to heave their betoken just before it hits the amplifier. Sounds good in theory, simply the trouble lies within any hum or hiss created past your overdrive or fuzz pedals will be increased by the compressor'southward gain.

four. EQ

Where practice I place an EQ in the bespeak chain

EQ pedals are more often than not used as a corrective measure to cut out troublesome frequencies or to boost up those lost by other effects in the signal chain.

Information technology's for that reason they tin conceivably be placed anywhere in the chain to target specific problem areas.

  • Placing an EQ first in the signal chain allows y'all to reshape the sound of a guitar's pickups ahead of any furnishings.
  • Placing an EQ Before baloney means you can select the frequencies you want the distortion to emphasize.
  • Placing subsequently distortion is actually useful if the distortion creates harshness at certain frequencies that you would similar to dial back.

EQ is ane of those effects where you accept to have a specific purpose to use it. Once you pinpoint where your trouble spots are, that's where you can place the eq in to starting time fixing the problem.

three. Effects Pedal Order – Pitch Shifting / Synthesizer Pedals

guitar pedal order diagram - Pitch

Furnishings Pedal Guild for section iii

  1. Whammy pedals
  2. Octave Pedals
  3. Guitar Synthesizers – optional
  4. Harmonizers – optional

Whammy / Pitch Shifting pedals

Pitch shifting pedals should come up every bit early as possible in your signal concatenation but nearly definitely before distortion. Like the tuner, a strong, clean, and clear signal is important for getting accurateness when it comes to manipulating pitch.

Distortion pedals generally only target frequencies higher up a sure threshold. Low frequency sounds really messy when distorted and then whatsoever pitch shifting that lowers the pitch should definitely come before the distortion to keep everything every bit tight as possible.

four. Overdrive / Distortion Pedals

guitar pedal order diagram

Effects Pedal Social club for section 4

  1. Boost Pedals
  2. Overdrive Pedals
  3. Baloney Pedals
  4. Fuzz Pedals

If you are planning on using overdrive and distortion pedals instead of the proceeds on your amp, you lot'll probably want to fix them upwardly right here that applies to heave every bit well. Most of the effects I'm going to talk well-nigh afterward in this post volition be appropriately placed after baloney. So become your gain structure direct earlier y'all move on to annihilation else.

Where do I put a boost pedal in the bespeak chain?

Placing Heave Before Overdrive

When laying out your pedalboard it's recommended to try and structure them from lowest proceeds to highest gain. But with everything else, it comes downwardly to personal preference. Placing a boost earlier baloney volition beef up the overdrive/distortion pedal when information technology's engaged, making it sound fuller and heavier, but with not that much of a noticeable volume increment.

Placing Heave After Overdrive

A boost pedal placed after overdrive simply increases the volume of the bespeak without adding any extra clay of its own. A lot of guitarists plug in their boost pedal, stomp it and then wonder why their distorted tone isn't any louder when put before an amp or other proceeds pedals; it's considering the bespeak's bandwidth is already at critical mass. Boosting after the proceeds stages, nevertheless, will boost your tone without adding the extra dirt.

Fuzz Pedals

The exception to the rule here is Fuzz Pedals. Fuzz pedals are fussy and don't like to play well with other pedals, and then experimentation is cardinal. Vintage mode fuzz pedals expect to see a high impedance signal, like those coming directly from your guitar pickups. And they offset acting actually strange when it is fed with a low impedance indicate, similar the kind of signal that comes out of whatever other furnishings pedal. You will demand to play around until you discover the right configuration.

what pedals become in the furnishings loop?

Pretty much the effect pedal order from here down can either stay in the signal path, or branch off into your amplifiers effects loop ship and return

5.  Modulation Pedals

effects pedal order - modulation pedals

Effects Pedal Order for section five

  1. Chorus
  2. Tremolo
  3. Flanger
  4. Phaser

Modulation furnishings add depth, dimension, and motion to the guitar's natural sound without distorting it. Some players prefer phasers before distortion, you can sometimes get a nicer sound that way only for pretty much everything else y'all get a much more controllable and predictable sound if you're placing the modulation on height of the distorted signal. Some recommend placing modulation furnishings into your effects loop

What Is Low-Frequency Oscillation

LFO or Low-Frequency Oscillation is what creates most of your modulation types effects such as chorus, flangers, and phasers. LFO functions thresholds below human hearing. But depending on what its function is, we tin can hear how this LFO furnishings and changes our signal, creating all of these effects.

Sometimes LFO is changing volume, creating tremolo, or manipulating frequencies in the signal resulting in lush whirly effects. Whatsoever the case is, LFO is what creates our furnishings and depending on how it's implemented nosotros get different effects.

vi. Fourth dimension-Based Pedals

effects pedal order - time based pedals

Effects Pedal Lodge for section 6

  1. Reverb
  2. Delay

Filibuster Pedals

Time-based effects should be last in your point chain reverbs and delays add together width and ambiance taking the audio of them and making it seem like information technology's in a larger space.

These effects should definitely be placed after distortions. The reason is y'all want to distort your echoes not repeat your distortion. The aforementioned is true for modulation, you lot want to add echoes to your swirls and phases and not the other style around.

Which Should Come First Reverb or Delay

This is a point of debate in the effects pedal order globe and lately, I seem to notice myself on the side of placing reverb before my delay. The thought backside this is when yous are using room or hall style reverb y'all are creating an ambiance that simulates a pocket-sized infinite only when you have long delays like information technology'southward echoing back across a canyon so ordering them this way seems to increase the size of the simulated space.

This works for near setups, you tin hear the room reverb echoed back as well the filibuster. Some players tend to utilise a delay in a more than rhythmic style with shorter repeats. In order to achieve this, they identify delay start and feed that into a bigger more ambient reverb.  This results in a cleaner filibuster sound which is vital if you're wanting to use it rhythmically equally part of your playing style.

So really, the gild of reverb and delay is downwards to personal preference and the style of music that y'all are playing. Technically, the i representing the smaller space should come offset. Only as long as they are both later on all of your other effects y'all tin can't go wrong.

Where do racket gates go in the point chain?

Noise gates are like to EQ's in that they are corrective by nature. Depending on what kind of dissonance you lot want to fix will depend on where you desire to identify them in your signal concatenation. Having a dissonance gate first means that volition cut low-level noise from your guitar pickups before whatsoever of your effects have a chance to dilate it.

That'southward corking if you take loftier output pickups. Otherwise, you might observe in this placement volition beginning to chew into the sustain of your notes cutting the tail stop off every bit the note decays.

Noise gates after baloney or in the furnishings loop aren't uncommon if all you're wanting to practise is take out some of that preamp hiss there's a harsh clamp down. This is generally simply used in low baloney applications with guitars that have low output pickups. The rule of thumb here is that the more gain y'all are using the earlier your racket gate should be in your indicate concatenation.

Try not to place dissonance reduction after reverb and delay, unless you want to cut off all your reverb tails and echo repeats.

Where practice loop pedals go in the signal concatenation?

This is also another grey surface area.  The majority says to place the loop pedal at the stop of the point concatenation, this style yous are looping your entire bespeak.  But this will all depend on what you lot are wanting to do so experimenting is key with this pedal. Even so,  I would definitely recommend keeping it on the other side of your clay to maintain a clean recording to play leads over.


Yous tin't pause anything by changing the effects pedal order from what I've suggested here, only you lot will definitely find that furnishings answer differently likewise as unpredictably as yous start mixing them up.

With that said, this allows yous to stumble upon that "Happy Little Accident" that actually inspires you to write some interesting music. and so become to tinkering and first experimenting with your furnishings pedal order and see what you tin create.


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